Moving to college is one of the most exciting and intimidating events in our lives. Whether moving far away or somewhere closer, there are big changes ahead for someone moving to college. To be honest, the summer before college, I was in an almost constant state of anxiety. I was terrified to leave my friends, my parents, and especially my dogs. Moving away is a real challenge, but it also the best time of my life. Here are some things that I did the summer before (or wish I did) to prepare for the move.
Make a list of goodbyes: the hardest part of college is saying goodbye to the people who have been in your life so far. The summer after graduation flies by between work, packing, and celebrating, so make a list of everyone you want to thank or reconnect with before you go.
Only buy what you need: (and wait if you are unsure) the summer before college, I had the biggest temptation to buy everything I could imagine for my dorm, but those rooms are super small, and you want to start college with the biggest savings account possible. If you aren't sure about something, wait to buy it until you know for sure.
Let yourself be sad: while being an exciting time, moving was also a sad time for me. I still miss my friends and my parents. You can be both excited to start a new chapter and sad to leave an old one. I spent a lot of time looking through pictures and yearbooks.
Have a talk with your partner (if you have one): if you are in a relationship the summer before college, you need to have a real talk about your future. Whatever you decide is right, as long as you decide it together.
Accept your doubts: you may question your college decision throughout the summer, but wait it out, this may be an amazing opportunity, and if not, that's ok, but give it a chance.

If you are leaving for college in the fall, best of luck, you'll be amazing <3
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