Exercise is my absolute all time favorite mood booster. I started working out around sophomore year of high school with sporadic runs. My senior year, I was struggling with anxiety and a confusing relationship, and I started working out almost every night. Since then, working out has been a big part of my life. I started with just cardio, and finally developed a strength routine. Working out is my way of blowing off steam and loving myself.

The Routine
Time: flexible, avg 45 mins
What you need: free weights, space for cardio, water
Step 1: Stretch
Time: 5 mins
Neck stretches
Shoulders and arms
Legs and hips
Swings! Hold onto something and swing legs back and forth 8 times each, repeat with arms
Step 2: Cardio
Time: 20ish minutes
Options: run, walk, dance, bike, stairs, elliptical
Warm up for 2 minutes at a slow pace
Push yourself to max speed at the last 2 minutes
Step 3: Strength
Pick 2 exercises from the list and alternate 10 reps of each x 3 sets
Rest and hydrate in between sets
Pick a weight that you can complete all sets with and try a higher weight every few weeks
Exercises: squats, lunges, leg raises, tricep dips, chest press, deadlifts, bicep curls
I typically do four sets
Follow up with abs
Step 4: Stretch
Depending on the day, I do stretches that feel right for the workout